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Livestock farming is currently at the heart of many societal issues. Many questions are being asked about the future of livestock farming due to the various crises (ecological, climatic, economic, societal etc.) and in relation to the negative image of livestock farming among citizens. Livestock farming systems must adapt to meet these new challenges, i.e. to produce more, better and differently.

Course overview

In a context of multiple crises, it is necessary for livestock farming to adapt and improve production methods by capitalizing on successful experiences and European know-how.
Livestock farming must, therefore, be considered through the quality of animal production methods, that take into account environment, health, safety, ethics, product quality, territorial development, economy of animal and crop production sectors and also consumption patterns.
This is the global quality approach. This approach requires new skills, particulary multidisciplinary approaches and global evaluation methods, which will be developed in this Master’s degree.

The objective of the Master Gloqual: train executives to apply and propose multicriteria assessment methods to improve the global quality of animal production systems.


The global quality of a livestock production system is defined as the quality of production methods in a given territory, enabling it to meet all of society’s expectations (environment, health, sanitary safety, ethics, animal welfare, product quality, economics of the sectors, consumption methods, etc.). Global quality is intended to be dynamic over time and to evolve according to the context, expectations, etc.